Hi everyone! First off, thanks for all the prayers on behalf of transfer calls. God answers prayers-- we're both staying!!
On Monday, Amy fed us another Filipino dish. It was sour spaghetti with fish eggs and other random seafood (tbh I really don't want to know what else was in it). Let's just say it wrecked my stomach for quite a few days hahaha. Bless her heart <3
On Tuesday, we had our weekly Book of Mormon class with all of our recent converts. It's one of my most favorite parts of the week! I really admire each of our convert's desire to understand the Book of Mormon and come to know Christ more.
On Wednesday, we had district meeting! I gave a training on extending commitments. President and Sister Leishman even showed up! I'm grateful for how the spirit prepared and lead me throughout the training.
Thursday was a rough day. It seemed that each person we visited either dropped us or wasn't home. I was heartbroken as Lyubov told us that she would no longer like to meet with us. Although it was hard, I'm grateful for the tender mercies that happen throughout each day.
Each Friday we do service at the food bank with our Zone. Food bank Friday is my favorite! Afterwards, we go get pho on Pho-riday. We've tried every Pho place around Tacoma, so if anyone is ever in Tacoma and wondering where to go to eat, I'm your girl!
On Saturday, we went and watched general conference at the mission home! It was so fun to be with everyone and receive all sorts of spiritual insight. I truly do know that President Nelson is a Prophet of God and that we can receive answers by listening to him and his apostles! I'm excited to act on the things that I have learned, and I'm excited for each of you to do the same.
-Monica is doing wonderful!! We've been able to do family history with her in preparation for the Temple. She's also looking forward to receiving a calling!
-Arvin is continuing to read the Book of Mormon. He tells us that the time that he feels the most peace is when he reads. He admitted to us that he's becoming addicted to reading it!
-Dennis is as solid as ever. He pretty much watches general conference talks all day everyday and finds so much joy in the gospel. Yesterday he only smoked 2 cigarettes!! He amazes me. This week is his last day ever of smoking cigarettes so please pray for him!
-Rob is excited to be baptized on the 15th. He's a really great friend and every time we go over, he's always fixing cars. Who knew how much I would learn about cars while on the mission?
I'm grateful for the continual prayers in behalf of the people we're working with. They are amazing!
I love you all and hope you had a very Happy Easter!
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