Hi family! The amount of times Sister Nelson and I have said "What a blessing" this week is too many to count.
Here are a few of the many blessings that took place this week:
-Collin was baptized yesterday!!! He's such a cutie and was jumping up and down full of excitement before and after his baptism. I love him!
-Arvin just BARELY (as I was writing this email) called us saying that the Holy Spirit spoke to him and told him that he needs to be baptized. He completely gave up coffee and has been living the Word of Wisdom! So he's getting baptized Saturday!
-Dennis came to church and loved it! He's a big dude from Nigeria and has some health problems. But he got himself up early, got ready, and came to church! He's excited to be baptized on the 25th. His only hang up is the word of Wisdom so please pray for him!
-Monica came to church as well! We've been worried about her lately because she's been facing a lot of opposition. We prayed and felt that it would be best for her to have a little time away from us to ponder and have her own desire. But she showed up to church again without us even inviting her! She's amazing and is preparing to be baptized on March 17th!
-It was really sunny for 2 days! (Honestly it hurt my eyes and gave me a headache. Clearly I'm not used to the sun anymore)
-We encountered SO MANY religious bashers this week. And somehow, Sister Nelson and I were able to confidently address their concerns simply and powerfully.
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