Porkland forever - June 25, 2018

Hey everyone! I don't have a lot of time this week, but we had another great week! We received transfer calls and my twin Sister York and I will both be staying another transfer in Parkland! Murren was able to be confirmed this week! We're so happy for her! Her mom came and really felt the spirit. We were also able to meet with Murren's brothers this week and they told us that they've been thinking about baptism. Please continue to pray for them! We've started working with my absolute fav couple, Tim and Rebecca. They're super young and were just married in November! Rebecca is a member and was actually about to put in her mission papers right when she met Tim who isn't a member. We felt inspired to knock our apartment complex right before curfew one night and knocked into them! They were so grateful and told us that we were an answer to their prayers and that they've set goals to attend church regularly and one day get sealed in the Temple! They went out of town and will be on vacation for a few weeks, so we're babysitting their fish Straw-barry while they're gone. I love Parkland and I love being a missionary. Love you all! Love, Sister Peterson
-It reached almost 100 degrees this week
-American pride with 2 of my fav sisters
-We love Parkland!
-Exchanges with Sister Olmstead feat. Jamie
-Weekly planning done right
