Come What May and Love It

If I were to summarize my mission in one statement, it would be advice given to Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin’s from his mother: “Come what may and love it.” It is a quote that I have often reflected on throughout my mission. I have learned that reflection is not simply looking, it is seeing. First glance is inadequate; reflection allows us to not take things at first glance, but to see nuances, details, and eternal intervention. As I have reflected on my mission, it brings me joy! It hasn’t been by looking at the things that can be measured, but by recognizing the Lord’s hand throughout my mission. Throughout each area that I have served, I have come to feel His joy, trust Him, and love it. My decision to serve: A full-time mission is something that I've always had the desire to do. As a little girl, I dreamt of serving a mission and enjoyed singing "I hope they call me on a mission." Later on as I grew old enough to begin my papers, I felt that I should receive my own personal answer from God that serving a mission was the direction that I should take in my life. General Conference was coming up and I had been given the advice numerous times to pray about a particular question then to seek that answer throughout General Conference. I took this advice and the very first song that opened up the morning session was the missionary choir from the missionary training center. The Spirit was incredibly strong and I knew in that moment that not only was it my desire to serve, but that God had desired for me to serve a mission as well. Manette: As I arrived to the mission, the excitement and desire that I had as a little girl was rekindled. I was extremely happy to embark on the journey that I had prepared throughout my life for. Immediately I came to understand a very important principle: We each have a unique role in God’s kingdom. Each of us have been blessed with unique gifts and characteristics to bless the lives of others. I found myself gardening, playing the violin, and bonding over baking with many people that we taught. I learned that God needed my specific personality in Manette at that time. The best way to serve others is by simply being ourselves! “For all have not every gift given unto them; for there are many gifts, and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God. To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby.” -D&C 46:11-12 There was one particular day where we met a woman named Sonya. She had read the Book of Mormon several times through and her husband was a member, but she struggled to know how she felt the Spirit. One day as we were getting to know her, she asked what some of our favorite hobbies are. I mentioned that I play the violin, and she became extremely excited! She went to her back room and pulled out a violin, then asked me to play it. I played some of my favorite hymns and the Spirit flooded the room. She started tearing up and Sister Codling pointed out that what she was feeling in that moment was the Spirit. As a young missionary with inadequate words, Heavenly Father had given me the opportunity to use my talents to teach by the Spirit. Mountain View: I received the transfer call to follow up train Sister Pullins in Mountain View, Centralia. I felt inadequate, but felt the greatest amount of peace knowing that God had His own specific plan for me that transfer. I was ready to be an instrument in His hands. When I arrived to the area, it was a complete culture shock. There were more animals than people and the houses were all at least a half mile apart. Immediately I discovered a lot of my fears... dogs, not knowing enough, getting eaten by wild animals, failure, being unprepared, and more. There was one particular night after a Zone conference that Sister Pullins and I decided right then and there that we would let go of our fears. As we knocked doors from 5-7pm that night, our excitement grew and we felt a massive urgency to share the gospel with every one of God’s children. It was this night that a particular scripture became real to me: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” -2 Timothy 1:7 Soon after, my capacity to love became greater and I quickly found one of the reasons that I was called to serve in Mountain View. This reason was Ed. He had recently gone through many different life changes that allowed him to be in a humble situation, ready to learn about the gospel. However, he was extremely knowledgeable and I remember thinking several times "Why would God trust me as a young 19 year old that has a very simple knowledge of the gospel to teach someone that has a greater knowledge and more experience than I do?" I had similar feelings to Moses who doubted his ability to lead the people of Israel and said “O my Lord, I am not eloquent,... but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.” The Lord replied, “Go, and I will be thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.” -Exodus 3:17; 4:10-12 As I taught Ed, I came to understand that the key to ones conversion is simply the Spirit. It didn't matter that I didn't have a lot of knowledge or experience and that he did. The Lord taught me what to say and it was the Spirit that converted him. All that was needed was a very simple testimony. Ed soon after became converted and was baptized. One year later, I had the opportunity of going through the Temple with him to receive his own endowment. The joy that was felt as I witnessed him making covenants with God was indescribable. As I sat in the celestial room with him, it reminded me of the love that God has for each of his children. I know that these ordinances we perform here on Earth are eternal and that through them, each of us can receive everlasting joy. Skyline: As I arrived to Skyline, I felt joy in meeting people with all types of different backgrounds and even met some of my long lost family. One of those unique people that I met was Dennis. At first glance, I saw him through my own eyes and was intimidated. I remember the first visit we had with him, I could only make out a few words that he said to us. Some of those few words were “I want to learn about this book,” referring to the Book of Mormon. On the next visit, we prayed for understanding and a glimpse of the love that Christ has for him. As we sat reading the Book of Mormon and getting to know his life story, a deep love and understanding washed over Sister Nelson and I. We learned that he had recently experienced a stroke and had previously lived a successful life as a Doctor after immigrating from Nigeria. At this moment in his life, he was longing for truth and change. Because of our love for Dennis, Heavenly Father had given Sister Nelson and I the ability to understand him despite his speech that was affected by his stroke. “ If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”-Matthew 17:20 Dennis was a living witness of this scripture. For over 20 years of his life, he had smoked several packs of cigarettes each day. However as Dennis read from the Book of Mormon and gained a strong desire to follow Christ’s words, his faith helped him to overcome his smoking addiction. He achieved what may have seemed impossible, through Christ, and removed his own personal mountain. Soon after, he was baptized. Parkland: While serving in Parkland, Sister York and I learned an important principle; If you are diligent you are being obedient, but if you are obedient you’re not necessarily being diligent. The most success happens when we are being diligently obedient. We doubled in to Parkland where there hadn't been any sisters previously, so we started from square one and started working. On our first day together, we got out of our apartment at 10am and immediately started knocking. We kept on knocking until it was time to go home at night and continued this each day until we had developed a teaching pool. During this time, I developed a huge love for knocking and diligently working. There was one particular night where we got home about ten minutes early and felt prompted to knock our apartment complex. During these last ten minutes of the day, Heavenly Father provided us with nice people to meet who gave us capri suns and popsicles. Then at 8:59, we knocked on our last door with Capri suns in hand and met Tim and Rebecca! We came to find out that they’re a young military couple from Colorado and that Rebecca is a member and Tim was not. We began meeting with them and they grew to become some of our best friends in Parkland. “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.”-1 Nephi 3:7 While meeting with Tim and Rebecca one night, Tim shared insight on what he had learned from Nephi’s example. He reminded us that as we are diligent in striving to keep God’s commandments, the way will be prepared for us to accomplish all that God has in store for us. As Tim strived diligently to keep God’s commandments, the way was prepared for him to be baptized. Now Tim and Rebecca are working towards being sealed in the Temple and I know that the way is prepared for them as they keep God’s commandments. I also know that as we strove diligently to accomplish the Lord’s work, we were able to help His children to live the gospel of Jesus Christ. Olympia: Exactly two years after I had received my personal answer from God to serve a mission, I sat watching General conference with our recent convert Bailey. The very first song that opened up the morning session was the missionary choir from the missionary training center. During that time, Bailey received the same confirmation about serving a mission that I had two years prior. I could not be more excited for Bailey to serve a full time mission and help others to live the gospel of Jesus Christ just as he has. "Fear not, little children, for you are mine, and I have overcome the world, and you are of them that my Father hath given me;"-D&C 50:41 Our convert Emory always said "I'm team Jesus!" I know that oftentimes the adversary works hard when one of God's children is making positive steps closer to Him. However, I know that Christ has already won! The cool thing about being on Christ's team is that we always win with Him and that everything works in our Heavenly Father's perfect timing. I know that in His perfect timing, Bailey will one day be an MVP on Christ's team in helping others to join "team Jesus" and come closer to our Savior. My Testimony: I am forever grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to serve a mission in the Watac. I have felt the deepest love for the people, the places, and the growth that I've been able to experience. With every person I've taught and every door I've knocked, I know that I have stepped closer to my Savior. I'm grateful to have been chosen as a personal representative of Him and to recognize His hand in every aspect of this work. Throughout my mission, I have come to feel His joy, trust Him, and love it. “Wherefore, by their fruits ye shall know them.”-3 Nephi 14:20 This gospel has brought forth nothing but good fruit. Every aspect of my mission has pointed me towards Jesus Christ, who is the source of everything good, and has helped me to come to understand His true character. He is my best friend, brother, Savior, and redeemer. My eyes have been opened and I have felt His redeeming love. These experiences that I have had throughout my mission are deeply rooted within me because this is an eternal work. What a privilege it is to be a part of the Lord’s work. I know that this is His church restored through the prophet Joseph Smith and that it continues to be directed by President Russell M. Nelson .The Book of Mormon is our most powerful tool that we have been given and I know that each of us WILL grow closer to our Savior as we read from it. I’m grateful to have been a simple instrument in God’s hands for these past 18 months and to have felt His love. “Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.”-Alma 26:12
