Called to serve 24/7 - February 12, 2018

Hello! Wow, it has been such a crazy week. This week has had it's ups and downs, but I am extremely grateful to be a representative of Jesus Christ and know that through Christ's Atonement, all will be well. Despite all the crazy experiences that we had this week, we were blessed with so many different opportunities to share the gospel regardless of what time of day it was. Late Tuesday night, we ended up in the ER. Sister Fisher has been having stomach pain and after a Priesthood blessing that she received, we both felt that we should get it checked out that night. It turns out that she may have an ulcer, so she's currently being treated for that and continues to get a little better each day. Although we were at the hospital in the middle of the night, we were blessed with so many opportunities to share the gospel! I'm grateful to be called to the work 24/7! On Thursday, I was able to be in a trio with my two faves Sister Codling and Sister Ellertson! Our companions are all going home this transfer and went on the departing missionary Temple Trip! It was such a fun day with lots of fun memories. We ended up in the doctor's office for hours again, but still found ways to share the gospel! And even better, our companions brought home Cafe Rio for us!! On Friday, we ended up at the doctor's office again. We met a guy named Chris while we were waiting and were able to teach him the whole Restoration. It turns out that he actually lives in our area so we'll hopefully get to teach him more! Yesterday we had 5 of our investigators at church. Monica is getting baptized Sunday! Yay! Please pray for her that she'll continue to progress and that her baptism will go well. Also, super happy news! The Bergman family that I taught about 6 months ago is finally getting baptized on the 25th! Please pray for them as well! Thank you for all the support and prayers. I love each of you so much!
