Happiest place on Earth - August 27, 2018

Hey fam! This week was amazing!! First off, we had the opportunity of going to the Temple as a mission on Wednesday. It was amazing to be in the house of the Lord and to feel the spirit there. The Temple is the happiest place on Earth! And even better, I got to go with some of my eternal best friends. On Tuesday, I got to go on exchanges with Sister Ashby who just got to the mission! She is starting her mission off so strong! It caused me to reflect back to the beginning of my mission that felt just like yesterday. I'm so grateful for the different experiences and growth that has happened on my mission. Bailey was baptized on Friday! He has one of the deepest most sincere testimonies that I've ever heard. He had a ton of support as his baptism! Our mission President, Stake President, Bishopric, some of his life long friends, and many others were able to come. And even better, his best friend Nick baptized him and leaves on his mission today! Another one of his friends received the Melchizedek Priesthood yesterday right before church and was able to confirm him as well. It's been awesome! Crazy story! When the baptism was over, Sister Hutchings and I were talking to people outside. Then when everyone had left, we went to the doors of the church and they were locked.... so we went to all the doors around the church (about 8 doors) and they were all locked. We didn't have our phones or keys with us and no one was at the church. Sister Hutchings and I were laughing and trying to find some way of getting in. We were going to start walking around and knocking on peoples doors and ask them if we could use their phones haha. But first we decided to take the situation to Heavenly Father and we said a prayer. As soon as she was done with the prayer, a guy turned into the church parking lot, this guy is known as Sticker Man, because he gives out stickers to everyone. We told him what happened and he had a key with him. We got the doors unlocked and everything was good :) Haha tender mercy from crazy sticker man! Love you all! Love, Sister Peterson Pictures:
-Bailey's baptism
-We have the coolest mission President
-Good friends
