*cue Bon Jovi* Ohhh we're halfway there... ohhhh livin on a prayer! April 9, 2018

Hi friends!! So technically I hit my 9 month mark, but President Leishman told me that he could extend my mission 12 years. #ammon So see you all in 12+ years! Great news!! Dennis is completely done smoking!!! We've been going over to his house every day and have been able to learn so much more about him. It turns out that he used to be a very successful ER doctor, was married, lived all over the world, and even lived in a 3 million dollar house at one point. Then he had a stroke and lost basically everything. Lets flash forward a few years to when Sister Fisher and I knocked on his door. I remember the first time we met him, neither of us could really understand him. He has a hard time with his speech due to his stroke, but miracles do happen! I know that God gives us spiritual gives to bless the lives of other people. Sister Nelson and I are able to understand clearly every word that he says. Dennis will be getting baptized Saturday and we're so excited for him!! Please pray for him to continue to have the strength to not smoke and follow through with his baptism. He's amazing!! This week, we were able to teach Sister Cosgrove. She is a very successful and brilliant psychiatrist that's a convert of about 5 years. On Sunday, she approached Sister Nelson and I telling us that she wanted to understand the basic doctrines of the church more fully and that she wanted to learn from us! At first I was taken back because she's one of the smartest people that I've ever met, and here I am a young 19 year old that's only done a year of college. She's the most wonderful example of meekness and humility. Despite her success and seniority, she was so ready to learn. I love her! On Wednesday, I was able to go to the departing missionary meeting and listen to my trainer Sister Codling give her final testimony. She's become one of my very best friends and I'm going to miss her lots! She taught me so much and was the best example to me. I love her! President Leishman called our STL's Wednesday morning telling them that he needed them to train a new sister! On Friday, the STL's went to mission leadership conference, so Sister Nelson and I babysat Sister Lebeau. It was so fun to spend the day with 2 greenies that are both a lot older than me! Sister Lebeau is 6'2", 21 years old, and from Herriman Utah. Talk about feeling short. She's a cutie! Whenever the STL's go on exchanges, we'll have Sister Lebeau with us! Here's some random updates on my life as a missionary: - Someone proposed to me the other day - We felt prompted to go to a way sketchy park at night and walked away with beef jerky - I've knocked every door in the Skyline area at least 2-5 times - Amy bore her testimony for 30 minutes yesterday and even gave us a shout out including how she washed our feet. -Mindy Rose continues to feed us everyday. -Marilyn may be getting baptized on Sunday!! -I'm now a chopstick pro (it's been a long process) I love being a missionary and love the gospel more than anything! Thanks for all you do for me. Love you all! xoxo, Sister Peterson​​
