Hi everyone! This week was crazy getting everything ready for Dennis' baptism, but he did it!! We are SO happy for him and the big changes he's made in his life. He's a special guy and I'm constantly amazed at the sacrifice he's made to have the gospel in his life. The Lord has truly been preparing him. And even better, he's been doing his own missionary work! He's been inviting everyone he knows to church and one of his caregivers even came to his baptism! I've loved seeing each of our converts become so converted, that they share Christ's love with so many others.
There was a big turnout at Dennis' baptism! We had tons of investigators and friends attend. Dennis requested one thing at his baptism... a chocolate cake. So Friday night, Sister Nelson and I got together with Chef Mindy Sprinkle and made a giant homemade chocolate cake.
Monica received her Temple recommend this week! She's doing so well and continues to find so much joy in the gospel!
83 year old Marilyn came to the baptism, friendship potluck, and church! She's on date for April 29th and keeps talking about how she wants her baptism to be. She thrives at church and talks to literally every person she meets in the hall. She's hilarious!
Other random things:
-Sister Nelson and I got proposed to by someone that thinks that every person from Utah is a polygamist. It's a common misconception here.
-We taught Sister Cosgrove (the genius psychiatrist) again!
-Sister Nelson woke up Sunday morning with big swollen eyes. She had an allergic reaction during the night.
-We explored a University campus!
I love you all so much!
xoxo, Sister Peterson
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