Hawaii + Baptism + general authority = a GOOD week - March 12, 2018

Hello everyone! This week has been SO GOOD! On Tuesday I went on exchanges with Sister Hendricks! She is amazing and we were able to see so many miracles! We had the most amazing lesson with Peter and were able to commit him to be baptized on April 9th! As we were planning before our lesson and praying about when he should be baptized, we felt very prompted to invite him to be baptized on the random day of April 9th. It turns out that it's his mom's birthday and one of the most special days for him! It was one of the coolest experiences. We also wrote up a game plan with Dennis to quit smoking. At that point, he was smoking a pack every 2 days. Now he's down to only 3 cigarettes each day! It's been very hard for him, but he's holding out strong! On Thursday we had mission tour with Elder Pingree. I was extremely lucky and was chosen to interview with him! He's so cool and kept saying "This is so fun!" Something that I learned from him is to not only come to know Christ on a knowledge base level, but a personal level as well. On Saturday we spent the whole day with the one and only Mindy Rose. She's the coolest Hawaiian I've ever met and gave us matching flowers to wear all day! We went tracting and she told EVERYONE in Tacoma how awesome Jesus is. We should all try to be more like Mindy Rose. On Sunday Arvin was baptized!!! After his baptism, he kept saying "I feel different. I feel so good." He's looking forward to being sealed to Amy in the Temple one day and going on a mission together! He'll be going out tracting with the Elders soon and is so excited! Another tender mercy is that 4 of our investigators that are on date for baptism and a few other investigators came to Stake Conference! Thanks for all the prayers! Sorry that I'm a little late to emailing! We went to the Zoo and aquarium this morning! Love you all! Have a great week! Elder Pingree told me to thank my family so THANK YOU!
