"I'm gonna tell Jesus you need a promotion" - March 26, 2018

Hello everyone! Thanks for all the love and support. This week was a crazy one! Update on Dennis: We've got him hooked on conference talks! He watches them pretty much all day everyday. We made a big list with him of things to do instead of smoking-- watching conference seems to be his very favorite! Dennis is the biggest testament to me that when you love the gospel enough, you'll be willing to sacrifice anything. The gospel trumps all! He's on track to be completely finished with smoking on April 7th and baptized on April 14th. Another tender mercy that happened with Dennis! We've been trying really hard to find him a permanent ride to church. We've literally tried every person on the ward list that has a car, but no one was able to give him a ride! So us and the Elders tried to fix his car... We were desperate. People were giving us the weirdest looks as we were in our dresses and ties, pushing the car and getting all dirty. Unfortunately we never got it working, but we found the perfect ride! Later that night, we felt prompted to call Mindy just to see how she's doing. And we found out that she was getting a ride with someone that has a van! She offered to give him a ride. Prayer works! Next tender mercy: We were waiting outside at Dennis's for the Elders to come give him a blessing. As we were waiting, we looked across the street and saw someone sitting on the steps. Clear as ever, the Holy Ghost was like "GO TALK TO HER." So we went and started talking to her. Long story short, she had been having thoughts of suicide and was at a really low point in her life. She had been praying and just looking for something more. We were able to talk to her and testify of God's love for her and her divine worth. The spirit was stronger than ever. The words that I spoke to her were not my words. I'm just so grateful that God is so aware of each of us and places us in certain places for each other. Even though we were stressed about the Elders being late and running behind our schedule, I'm grateful for God's schedule and perfect timing. Other crazy things that happened this week: -Sister Nelson fell off a curb and wrecked her knee and ankle. -We gave Arvin a big print Book of Mormon (literally the size of a textbook) that he can actually read himself! He was SO happy and had the biggest smile on his face! He said "I'm gonna tell Jesus you need a promotion. Thank you so much!" -Amy had us read John 13 about Jesus washing his disciple's feet. Then came out with a bowl of water and washed our feet... I LOVE SKYLINE AND SISTER NELSON! Transfer calls are this week and I really hope we stay another transfer! But we'll see where God needs me! Enjoy General Conference and Easter! It's the best time of the year! Love you all! xoxo, Sister Peterson To explain the last pic, that's us in Marilyn's house. So typical.
