St. Patty's day baptism! - March 19, 2018

Hello everyone! I hope your St. Patrick's day was as great as ours was! Monica was baptized!! We were joking with her before the baptism about how we were going to dye the font green. That didn't happen, but it was such an amazing baptism!! The room was filled with so many different missionaries that have taught her in the past and have been a part of her conversion. She really is such a special person and the spirit was stronger than ever! Sister Nelson and I were able to talk on the Holy Ghost for her baptism. Sister Nelson and I have a tradition of blasting "John's song" on the way home from each baptism with the windows down and celebrating with "Tizzards" (aka baptism blizzards from Dairy Queen). Thanks for all the prayers! Dennis is still working to overcome his smoking. It's been incredibly hard for him and he's cut down a lot. But in order to get baptized on Sunday, he needs to be completely done smoking tomorrow. Please pray for this miracle to happen! 83 year old Marilyn came down with the flu and wasn't able to make it to church yesterday, so she'll no longer be getting baptized on Sunday, but hopefully really soon! Tender mercy!! Thursday night, Sister Nelson and I had to make an emergency run to the grocery store to get some batteries for our smoke detector. She asked "Which store do you feel like the spirit is telling us to go to?" As we pulled up to the store, we saw Timothy sitting in front of Safeway. As you may remember, Sister Fisher and I helped him come to church last transfer, but lost contact and it just wasn't his time. Timothy said "I was just thinking about you guys! I always know when you're coming because I feel the spirit really strong. As soon as I started feeling the spirit just barely, I looked up and you were right there!" He's on date to be baptized April 8th! Love you all so much! Have a wonderful week!
