Transferred to Russia - February 5, 2018

Hi friends!! Wow, this week was a good one! Thank you for all the prayers! On Tuesday, we had a lesson with Mandy and her 3 kids. I love them so much!! We taught them about the gospel of Jesus Christ. After watching a video about baptism, 9 year old Waylynn said "I want to get baptized!" We assured him that he definitely could. We were gettin g ready to leave and hadn't read the Book of Mormon yet. Before we left, one of the girls Dallas (6 yrs old) said "Can we read the Book of Mormon?" It was amazing! I LOVE THEIR FAMILY! We are hoping and praying that Mandy will get work off this next week so that they can all come to church. On Wednesday, we had a lesson with 11 year old Collin who has Autism. We made a map of the Plan of Salvation and did all sorts of fun activities to learn about God's plan for us. The best part of the lesson was when we asked Collin who he thought we lived with before we came to Earth. He said "Definitely Queen." Then proceeded to jam out. On Thursday, we had a mission Temple trip. It was beautiful and I'm always amazed at the peace and joy that is found in the Temple. I'm grateful that we are able to make covenants with our Father in Heaven. Thursday night, our plans fell through and we had about 30 minutes before going in for the night. We prayed to ask where God needed us to be at the time. During the prayer, I received a very clear answer that we needed to go see Amy Anderson who's a Filipino lady that's a recent ish convert in our ward. Sister Fisher received an answer to "go home." She was so confused because that's disobedient! But it made complete sense because Amy Anderson lives in our apartment complex! When we got there, her boyfriend Arvin was over! She's been trying to get him to come to church for months and has been teaching him everything! She committed him to live the Word of Wisdom. She said "He's done the faith part and the repentance part, now he just needs to do the baptism part!" We put him on date of the 18th and they came to church yesterday! On Saturday, Sister Fisher went to the Temple with one of her recent converts from her last area. So I was babysat by the STL's and worked with them in Soundview for the day. It was SO FUN to be in a trio with them for a little while! There's a lot of power that comes with 3. Then that night... Sister Fisher and I were transferred to Russia. So we were knocking doors and quickly realized that the apartment complex that we're knocking is entirely Russian. We picked up a few phrases, hello, how are you, God loves you, and a few other phrases. But after our limited Russian phrases, we didn't know what to do. We felt like greenies on their first day in Russia when they realize that they don't actually know the language that well. These people speak fast! People kept talking to us as though we spoke Russian... because our couple phrases were so good.. haha just kidding. But we apparently both look very European so people take us seriously. We always hand them Jesus cards in Russian and try to communicate through pictures, our Russian phrases, and hand signals. This one old lady and her husband let us in and they talked to us forever in Russian as though we could understand them... we kept trying to tell them that we don't speak Russian.. but it didn't work. Then one of the last doors we knocked was a lady that spoke some English. She asked, "are you the mormons?" Us-"yes" Her-"come in and have some cake!" OKAY! She fed us the best cake, herbal tea, and chocolate. On Sunday, we had 17 nonmembers at church!! 7 of our investigators came to church, including Monica who has been taught all the lessons but has had anxiety about coming to church. She came to all 3 hours and loved it! Our AMAZING ward mission leader brought 10 of his friends to watch his baby blessing! It was a wonderful week full of these miracles and many more. I'm just so humbled to be a part of them! Also random info : Starting July 1st, the Washington Federal Way Mission will be being dissolved. We'll be getting 3 new Stakes from the mission and the Elma and my beloved Centralia Stake will be moving to the Washington Vancouver mission. Love you all! Love, Sister Peterson
