I Will Be Thy Servant - April 30, 2018

Hi everyone! This week has been a crazy busy one! I know I say that every week, but it's true! This week, everyone and their dog was either moving, spring cleaning, or starting yard work. And we were asked by everyone to help! Each day, our schedules were loaded with service opportunities, which is great. Service makes me happy! But towards the end of the week, I started to become discouraged because we hadn't had enough time to do all the things that we had planned. We hadn't been teaching and tracting as much as usual because we were spending most of our time doing service. As I was having these thoughts of discouragement, I was reminded of my favorite Book of Mormon hero. Ammon! At the beginning of my mission, I had decided that I wanted to become just like him and develop the Christlike attributes that he had. When Ammon went to the land of Ishmael, he departed from his family and went to "declare the word to the Lamanites." I'm sure that Ammon thought that he would start preaching to everyone right off the bat. But as he got there, the Lamanites "took him and bound him." He was then carried to the king and the king asked why he came to dwell in the land. "And Ammon said unto him: Yea, I desire to dwell among this people for a time; yea, and perhaps until the day I die... But Ammon said unto him: I will be thy servant. Therefore Ammon became a servant to King Lamoni." Alma 17:23-25. Ammon is my favorite example of simply loving and serving everyone! He didn't become discouraged or afraid when he was captured and bound. Instead he offered Christlike service and gained the trust of the people. On Monday, we went to the Rainier's baseball game with a whole bunch of missionaries! It was so warm (70 degrees) and sunny! The Rainier's dominated and won by a ridiculous amount. On Tuesday, we taught Marilyn the Word of Wisdom. She accepted it so well and is excited to give up her coffee and live the Word of Wisdom. She'll be getting baptized on Saturday at 6pm! We're making invitations with her testimony for all of her family and friends. She's excited! Please pray for her (: Thursday was park day! aka no car, we walk all day! We walked 13 miles from 3pm-9pm. It was great, we were able to talk to so many people! And it was even sunny! I'm no longer the pastiest person in the U.S. We also went to early morning Seminary and helped teach! I admire their dedication in getting up super early every single morning. On Saturday, we went to the Seattle Temple with Monica!! She is amazing and her testimony is rock solid. She's even started to come to lessons with us and has been the greatest fellowship. She's a testament to me that the Lord truly prepares people. She was so ready to accept the gospel and has been the greatest asset to the ward. I love her! Update on Dennis: He's doing amazing! He's made it a goal to finish the Book of Mormon in 3 months and will be receiving the Priesthood soon! I love you all! xoxo, Sister Peterson Pictures: Miss Nancy gave me a haircut!
Rainier's baseball game
Sister Nelson made me a giant smoothie. I ate it all.
