Hi everyone! The highlight of this week was 83 year old Marilyn's baptism! She is just the cutest little lady with the biggest heart. It's been so fun seeing how much happier she's become and how well she fits in the ward. She LOVES all the friends that she's made! There was a big turnout at her baptism. President and Sister Leishman, several senior missionaries, and other missionaries came. It was such a wonderful baptism!
On Sunday after she was confirmed, she bore her testimony. Sister Nelson and I were nervous because she LOVES to talk and could go on for hours! But the spirit took over and she got up and bore a powerful simple testimony. She talked about how it's never too late to change and come closer to Christ. She has felt the Lord directing her path in every aspect these past few months and knows that this is the church of Christ. She always says "It only took me 83 years to figure out the truth!" You guys, it's NEVER TOO LATE! I'd invite each of you to recommit yourselves and change. We are constantly changing, whether it's for good or for bad. So lets decide today to allow ourselves to change for the better!
On Tuesday, I went on exchanges with Sister Ellertson! This is her 3rd transfer of being my STL, so we've done quite a few exchanges together. It never gets old! We worked in Soundview and knocked some very wealthy neighborhoods with million dollar houses right next to the sound. Although we didn't gain any new investigators from it, we were able to share several scriptures from the Book of Mormon with several different people. I've come to learn that there's ALWAYS a story in the Book of Mormon that can relate perfectly to a person's life in that very moment. As we read the scriptures, we are allowing God to speak to us.
Yesterday we had a "Why I Believe" Fireside where the missionaries sang and recent converts bore their testimonies. It's one of my favorite experiences as a missionary and the spirit is always so strong! The best part was that Ed and the Bowman's showed up! They drove up from Winlock to see Sister Pullins and I. They're amazing!
Love, Sister Peterson
-Marilyn's baptism!
-Typical Washington view😍
-Sister P in her natural habitat
-Relief Society helping hands day
-Bowmans and Ed
-Temple pics that I forgot to include last week.
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