Hey everyone! Washington is as beautiful as ever. I'm in love with all the blossoms and flowers everywhere. This is my place❤
Dennis is doing great! Us and Brother Wells (a member of the bishopric) went over to his house this week and taught him all about the Priesthood. He's so excited and honored to receive the Priesthood soon!
Marilyn is as wonderful and spunky as ever. Yesterday in Relief Society, she introduced herself and said "Hi I'm Marilyn. You can remember me as Marilyn Monroe. I'm a guest, but soon to be not a guest." She's on date to be baptized Sunday!
We've recently met the cutest woman named Sheri that just recently moved from Hawaii. She has a broken foot, so we helped her go grocery shopping and went out to eat with her! She's also fed us a few times since. She really loves Christ and is looking for a new church that feels right. I'm excited for what's to come with her!
On Thursday, we had Zone Conference where we received our smartphones! We'll now be using facebook and other sources of technology to proselyte. It'll take a while to adjust, but I know that it'll be the biggest blessing. The work is hastening!
Rob came to church yesterday. He loves the spirit and peace that he feels each time he comes.
This week, we'll be going to the Seattle Temple with Monica! She is so excited and so prepared!
I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!
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