Hello everyone!! Thanks for all the Birthday wishes and love! I'm so blessed! This week was amazing!!!
On Monday, we had a big memorial day activity with all the missionaries in Central conference. It was really fun and sunny! Funny story: There happened to be another Samoan church there that was having a party/sand volleyball tournament! President Leishman was so confident in our abilities that he signed us up to be in their tournament!! We really wanted to represent the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints well, so we had all the best volleyball players in the Watac playing and had the rest of the missionaries cheering us on the sidelines haha. I'm happy to say that we went undefeated!!
This week we made it a goal as a Zone to commit 70 people to be baptized. We blew the goal out of the water and put over 100 people on date for baptism!! I love working hard and in unity with the Zone (:
On Thursday, we had MLC. We went to Zion's camp up in the mountains in Belfair. We prepped for Zone Conference for this upcoming week and had tons of fun. I'm so humbled to be serving in this leadership calling with other amazing leaders! If you want to see some fun pictures and videos from MLC, check out @washingtontacomamission.
On Friday, I went on exchanges with Sister Barrus! She is so cute and has a great amount of faith. Together we worked hard and saw lots of miracles!
This week we taught Giovanni. He is such a smart kid and when we asked him when he wants to be baptized, he said "next Friday!" His mom said that's too soon and they need to have more family come. So he's getting baptized the 22nd.
We met an awesome guy named Konan from the Ivory Coast. He speaks mainly French so we delivered a French Book of Mormon to him. When we met him he was like "Come on in and teach me about Jesus!" And then we taught him about Christ and the Book of Mormon and he said "I think this book will teach me all the things I need to do to follow Jesus." Then he asked us to help him learn how to pray. He is amazing and has such sincere desire! His son mentioned that he wants to be baptized as well. I would appreciate if you could pray for their family!
I love serving here in Parkland with Sister York! Thanks for all the prayers! love you all!
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