YEET - May 21, 2018

Hi friends! Wow, I am LOVING my new area!! Parkland is the blessed land! As soon as Sister York and I got to the area, we dropped our bags and went on the hunt for new investigators. We made it a point to be extra diligent and it paid off! In the few days that we've been here, we've found 16 new investigators and committed lots of them to be baptized! Everyone here is so humble and willing to listen. I can definitely see that the Lord is preparing so many hearts and that the field is white already to harvest. I am so blessed to be serving here with Sister York! My other favorite thing about this area is that it's a big melting pot of culture. On our first day here, we went to meet with our Bishop-- Bishop Chang. He's Asian and such a hard working and charitable Bishop! I'm excited to work with him. The next day, we went to meet with our Ward mission leader-- Brother Ochoa. He's Mexican! As soon as we walked into his house, the first thing he said to us was "Do you know how to make beans?"... Before either of us even introduced ourselves haha. So he taught us how to make the best Mexican beans while we had Correlation. Like I said, the ward has all sorts of culture diversity. People are from everywhere! Mainly Samoa, Africa, and different Asian countries. It's so fun! To explain the title of this email, Sister York and I have a team name that everyone calls us! It's Yeet (York+Pete) or Pork (Peterson+York). Whichever you prefer. As you can tell by our names, we are meant to be companions. I love her! And yes, we look like sisters. Everyone's been telling us that all week long, haha. There are some great things coming in this area, I can feel it! I'm so blessed to be apart of this work! I love you all!
Last pic in Skyline with the fam
Missionary Fireside
The beans we made
