Knocking Chocolate - June 11, 2018

Hey everyone! This week was super eventful and fun! On Monday, I was spoiled for my birthday. I'm incredibly grateful for all of my very best friends that I've made here on my mission. There's nowhere else that I would've rather spent my birthday, than here in the good ole Watac. My only birthday request was to knock doors in what's called "Chocolate city" in Lakewood. President Leishman gave us permission as long as we were super careful and it was SO fun!! We found tons of new investigators and committed a whole bunch of people to be baptized. It was great! Then we got to have a birthday sleepover with the Lakewood Sisters. (: On Tuesday, we had Zone Conference at Zions camp. It was so much fun! We divided up and went through several team building ropes courses. We came out of Zions camp on a spiritual high with only a few injuries. (; On Friday, we had exchanges and I went to Crescent Valley in Gig harbor with Sister Darling. I came super unprepared in my summer dress and flats. You would think I would know by now that it rains all the time in Washington hahaha. But we had lots of fun and I met some incredible people! Here's some other updates: -Murren came to church! She is 17 years old and is really in tune with the spirit. All she wants is for her family to be united in the gospel. We're working with her to prepare her to be baptized really soon! Please pray for the Chick family and especially Murren! -Sister York and I are now known as "the moms of Central conference." We've gotten pretty good at mothering and taking care of all the missionaries around us haha. -We live right next to an air force base and all the planes fly right above our heads. We can't ever hear and It scares me everytime! love you all! xoxo, Sister Peterson
good comps brush each other's teeth
bday breakfast
zions camp
