Emergency transfer - July 16, 2018

Hello hello! Just when I thought that things couldn't get any better this transfer, they did! Monday night, we received a call from President saying that there was going to be an emergency transfer and that we would now be in a trio!! So we went and picked up Sister Warren! She's the funniest human alive and the best addition to our companionship. She's a convert from North Carolina and has the most powerful testimony. I love her! In addition to our new companion, we got a brand new 2018 Nissan Rogue! And lucky me, I'm the designated driver so it's been a lot of fun to drive around. Yesterday, Tim and Rebecca came to church! I looked over at them during sacrament meeting and saw Tim intently reading and highlighting his Book of Mormon. We had a great lesson with them on Tuesday where Tim told us all about what he has learned and applied from the Book of Mormon. It's been amazing seeing Tim and Rebecca grow as a couple from immersing themselves in the gospel. The gospel is made to bless families! We also had another miracle this week! In the midst of all the chaos in the Chick home, we were able to sit down and read a whole chapter from the Book of Mormon with Murren and her brothers! And then they all talked about how they wanted to be baptized! So long story short, they were going to be baptized yesterday, but their mom told them that she thinks that they should wait until they're older. We're hoping to sit down and talk to her about it, so I would appreciate if you could all pray for them! I love being a missionary. This is the greatest work that I've ever been a part of! There's nothing more rewarding than helping others come closer to Jesus Christ, repent, be baptized, receive the greatest gift of the Holy Ghost, and continue to follow Christ's example. I love you all so much! Love, Sister Peterson
-New car
-Dream trio
-spikeball champs
-homemade pasta yumm
