Hutch and Pete 2.0 - July 23, 2018

Hey everyone! Not a ton happened this week, but it's always a good time knocking doors in Parkland. The highlight of my week was going on exchanges with Sister Hutch! As you may remember, we were MTC comps and we were the best of friends. Unfortunately we haven't served around each other our entire mission. But lucky me, I get to be her STL this transfer and serve around her! It was amazing being with her and seeing how we've both grown throughout our missions. We still have the same personalities, just more enhanced versions of the missionaries that God knows we can become. I love her! We also had Zone Conference this week where we talked all about goal setting and planning. I walked out of there with an even greater motivation to be the best missionary that I can be. It was very inspired and I know that setting specific goals is an act of faith that brings miracles. I'm grateful to be serving in the Watac where we set high inspired goals! There's not much to report on this week. But lately we've been doing a lot of knocking doors, which I love. We get to meet so many incredible people each day! It is my favorite thing to be able to bear simple powerful testimony on each door step. I love this gospel! Love, Sister Peterson
- Exchanges with Hutch
- I let my companions do my hair and these are the results...
