Hey fam! I hit my year mark this past week and I'm not even sure how it happened... but jokes on all of you, I'm staying in the watac forever. President Leishman even told me I could (; But for real, it's definitely been the best year of my life ((:
In fact, this past week has been one of the best weeks of my life. All around smiles, miracles, and happiness. I wish I could tell you all about it, but for now I'll spare you the details and just share a few of my favorite highlights.
First off, the fourth of July was SO MUCH FUN! We started the day off by having the most Patriotic district meeting that included a training on religious freedom and such. We then knocked doors (of course), went to different bbq's that members had invited us to, and finished the night off with spike ball underneath all the fireworks. This was all of course done with us decked out in our American pride gear. I LOVE AMERICA!
Thursday was my year mark and I got to celebrate it with a few of my fav MTC buddies. Sister York and I showed up at the Surprise Lake sister's apartment for a surprise study in the morning and then later that day, we went split knocking with the Mountain View sisters. It was so fun to be with Sister Hutchings and Nelson on our year mark!
On Friday, we went on exchanges with the Lakewood sisters and I got to be with Sister Pitts! We were able to serve at the food bank and see lots of miracles that day.
HUGE tender mercy! At 6:59, during our 5-7 knocking last night we knock on our last door and our new pal Gina answers. She said she tried to slam the door but something in her told her to let us in. She then goes on to tell us that a week or so ago, she found a Book of Mormon on the ground (some bike Elder probs dropped it) and she started reading it. She said she is uneducated but this Book made sense. Since that day, she has been having dreams that God would send people to her to help her grow closer to Him. And then knock knock here we are. Gina is now preparing herself to be baptized, but it was incredible to see how God has left little miracles in her path to point her to the restored gospel. It's the most amazing thing to be the answer to someones prayers.
Sister York and I decided to knock from 9am to 9pm again. We saw SO many miracles. At the beginning of the day, the Zone Leaders challenged us to put 20 people on date for baptism that day. We ended the night with 25!! Honestly the blessings that come from diligence are incredible! Every time I knock a 9 to 9, I feel more enthused about this work than ever.
Here's an update on the Eyre family... We had been going by every day to lift their spirits, and help them out. As missionaries we are given the authority and power to promise specific blessings to the individuals who we meet. It's one of the coolest things about being a missionary, because as you go by the spirit, you can promise something so individual to someone and then Heavenly Father takes care of it. But anyway, when we met Cameron, the mom, we specifically promised her that if she would take action to grow closer to Christ, that Heavenly Father would help her to find a living situation. It's kinda a big promise to make, but like I said, you can count on Heavenly Father. Last week and this week as we were going by and serving the family, and as Cameron was listening to us and praying with us and praying with her kids, she started to feel the spirit again. When the spirit was in her heart, she decided she wanted to start going to church and then all of the sudden things start falling into place. So, I am happy to report that the Eyre family is now safe and happy in an actual home with electricity and running water and Cameron has said that she can no longer deny that God is very much so aware of her and looking out for her. Honestly meeting this family was a huge tender mercy to me, to feel so much love for a struggling family I just met, and to physically be the one that God sends to his child's door to remind them that He is there is the most incredible feeling. Being a disciple of Christ sure is the happiest job in the world.
I love you all and am just so happy to be a missionary! Have the best week!
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