Park (disney)land - June 18, 2018

Hey fam! First off, thank you for all the prayers for Murren!! I have an absolute MIRACLE to share with you all. When Sister York and I doubled in to the area 4 weeks ago (whitewashed) we had absolutely no one to work with. Zip. Zero. Nada. So we were doing everything we could to find new people to teach. There was one name in the area book of a family that was being taught previously that we decided to go see and that led us to meeting Murren. With finals and everything she has been crazy busy and so York and I never were able to actually sit down and teach her. Last Sunday we invited her to church and she came and loved it and then we had the strongest impression that we needed to go see her right away. So Monday night we made our way over and we actually got to sit down and start talking to Murren. Well.... the spirit was so strong and so amidst all the conversation she decided she wanted to be baptized, and thank goodness for the spirit because we asked her if she wanted to be baptized this Saturday and she said YES!!! So on saturday.... MURREN GOT BAPTIZED!! It was amazing to see how someone with desire to follow Christ will simply do it as we guide them. Murren and us now have the goal of helping her mom and 3 brothers come to be baptized as well. It's been my absolute favorite thing to work with recent converts on my mission to help them bring others unto Christ as well. On Friday, the Watac did another mission wide 9-9. Meaning every missionary knocks doors from 9am to 9pm. No lunch breaks, dinner breaks, or anything. It was seriously the best day though!! There is nothing happier than standing on people's doorsteps testifying of the Book of Mormon and the restored gospel. We saw TONS of miracles this day and had tons of fun doing it!!! I love being a missionary and love sharing the gospel. Love you all!! xoxo, Sister Peterson
