Miracles on miracles - September 3, 2018

Holy smokes! This week was crazy busy and miracle packed! My favorite thing about covering two wards is that there's always so much to be doing. We are blessed with so many teaching opportunities and I've developed a huge love for teaching on my mission. First off, here's a crazy miracle! We had an appointment on Thursday with a guy named Sterling at 5:30 (we rarely schedule anything during 5 to 7 because that is miracle time for knocking, BUT that was the only time he could meet with us so #WEIT (whatever it takes)). Then Thursday rolled around and we started preparing a lesson. We literally talked about it all day! Then we went to dinner at 4 o'clock and by 5 o'clock we were out knocking on doors. We had totally forgotten about Sterling! So we were out knocking and came across a small apartment building (boo-ya). On the third door, a girl named Evelyn (in her 20's) with bright blue hair (because Olympia) opened the door and let us in :) She told us how she was baptized Mormon and then drifted away after some physical violence that had happened to her for standing up for her belief. She quickly got into drugs and alcohol and next thing she knew, she was pregnant with her little girl Rosie. Evelyn told us that she has been looking into going back to church and that it was such a coincidence that we showed up right then! She is starting to get her life back together for her little girl, and she also mentioned that she prays with her every night because that calms her down :) Then we left her with a Book of Mormon and a prayer and then hurried out the door to get out of there before her boyfriend came home! It didn't really hit Sister Hutchings and I until that night that God must have put a stupor of thought in our minds, because we needed to see Evelyn that day! Another miracle! The most elect person came into our life! I don't even know where to start with him so I'll give you a really condensed version of his story... 9 months ago, as he was sitting in prison, he picked up a Bible and Book of Mormon and began reading. Meanwhile, he wanted to change his life and find the truth. So he began attending all the different church services searching to find the right one and eventually landed at the Latter Day Saint service. He felt an abundance of peace, something that he hadn't felt in a while. So he continued going every Sunday and read through the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and 5 of the teachings of the Presidents books. He completely immersed himself in the gospel! Anyway, Flash forward to August... he received a work release and permission to come to come to the Oly 1st ward! So he showed up our very first Sunday here! His testimony is so genuine and so sincere. He literally glows with the light of Christ! There have been so many times in class that he's raised his hand, born powerful testimony, and expressed his strong desire to be baptized! We love MIchael! He's awesome! These are two of the many miracles that are happening in Olympia right now. I love this gospel and love seeing the noticeable change in people's lives. This gospel is meant to be a blessing in our lives and I've never felt such happiness! I love you all! Love, Sister Peterson 606 Lilly Rd NE #425 Olympia, WA 98506 Sorry that I didn't do too well with taking pictures this week! I'll do better this week (:
