Hey friends! This week was awesome and full of all sorts of emotions. Being a missionary really is the greatest.
On Tuesday we went on exchanges with the Lakewood sisters. And I want to share a quick miracle that happened from it! Each morning we set goals as a companionship and together between the 4 of us, we prayerfully set the goal to find 5 new investigators that day. When it reached time to go out finding at 5pm, Sister Hutchings and Sister Phillips were feeling sick and weren't able to go out. So Sister Sheffield and I went to a street that Sister Hutchings had felt prompted earlier that day to knock. When we began, we said a prayer that we would be given many opportunities to testify of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and that we would be able to hit our goal. A few doors in, we met the Martinez family! They were very kind and let us come in and discuss the gospel. It was amazing how with each doctrinal question the father had, the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and Plan of salvation answered each question. We testified a lot of the Book of Mormon and were able to leave it with them! By meeting the Martinez family, we were able to hit our goal of finding 5 new investigators that night. Throughout the night, we were given many opportunities to testify. God really does answer our prayers as long as we do our part, get up, and act!
On Saturday, we had Stake Conference and interviews with President Leishman. It was my last interview with him and it was incredible! I walked out of the interview feeling SO happy about my mission and ready to take on the world. My mission is something that has changed me and will forever change me throughout the rest of my life.
I love you all!
Our fav place with some of our fav sisters
Exchanges with the Lakewood sisters
Our Corrigan fam❤
Our sons (They started their missions here, so we are considered their moms)
Sister Call on our homemade child leash
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