"It ain't over 'til it's over" - Rocky - January 7, 2019

Hey friends! Nothing too crazy happened this week. There was a really bad wind storm on Saturday night and the power went out throughout a lot of western Washington. We slept through the whole thing, but when we got to church the next morning, the power was out. We still had sacrament meeting and it was pretty cold, so we all had blankets and were huddled together in the dark! It was an awesome testimony meeting! A lot of people bore testimony of the temple. I am so grateful for temples and the peace that they bring to my life. Right after sacrament meeting, the power turned on, but we still weren't able to have Sunday school. After that, we had the young single adult branch, and that was an incredible testimony meeting too. A lot of people, once again, talked about the temple and the spirit was so strong. I'm grateful that I live in Utah where the temple isn't far away. The temple brings so much joy into my life and I encourage you to study and go to the temple! It will bless your lives in ways that you can't even imagine! Everyone keeps on asking and reminding me about when I come home. For those of you who don't know yet, I come home on January 24th. Although it's soon, I know that there's a lot more for me to give and a lot more that the Lord has in mind for me to accomplish here in Washington. In the words of Rocky Balboa "It ain't over til it's over." I'm really looking forward to my next few weeks here!
An awesome door mat
An awesome sticker
Knocking at our favorite place... Evergreen State College!
We hit our 18 month mark so we celebrated with bubble tea (there's not actually tea in it, it's just a smoothie) and burning some of our mission clothes!
Decomp time
Our happy FamOly
Rainy day ranch with the Lacey 3rd Sisters
Exchanges with Sister Vorkink. Some random guy gave us cupcakes and bananas.
